Implemented by



alignNodes: ((nodes, direction, align_to?) => void) = ...

Type declaration

    • (nodes, direction, align_to?): void
    • Parameters

      • nodes: LGraphNode[]

        a list of nodes

      • direction: "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right"

        Direction to align the nodes

      • Optional align_to: LGraphNode

        Node to align to (if null, align to the furthest node in the given direction)

      Returns void

boundaryNodesForSelection: (() => {
    bottom: LGraphNode;
    left: LGraphNode;
    right: LGraphNode;
    top: LGraphNode;
}) = ...

Determines the furthest nodes in each direction for the currently selected nodes

Type declaration


getBoundaryNodes: ((nodes) => {
    bottom: LGraphNode;
    left: LGraphNode;
    right: LGraphNode;
    top: LGraphNode;
}) = ...

Determines the furthest nodes in each direction

Type declaration


onGroupAdd: ContextMenuEventListener = ...

Create menu for Add Group

onGroupAlign: ((value, options, event, prev_menu) => void) = ...

Type declaration

    • (value, options, event, prev_menu): void
    • Parameters

      Returns void

onMenuAdd: ((_value, _options, mouseEvent, prevMenu, callback?) => boolean) = ...

Create menu for Add Node

Type declaration

    • (_value, _options, mouseEvent, prevMenu, callback?): boolean
    • Parameters

      • _value: IContextMenuItem
      • _options: any
      • mouseEvent: any
      • prevMenu: any
      • Optional callback: ((node) => void)
          • (node): void
          • Parameters

            Returns void

      Returns boolean

onMenuNodeClone: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuNodeCollapse: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuNodeColors: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuNodeMode: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuNodePin: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuNodeRemove: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuNodeShapes: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuNodeToParentGraph: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuNodeToSubgraph: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuNodeToSubgraphInputs: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuNodeToSubgraphOutputs: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onMenuResizeNode: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onNodeAlign: ((value, options, event, prev_menu, node) => void) = ...

Type declaration

onResizeNode: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onShowMenuNodeProperties: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
onShowPropertyEditor: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
showMenuNodeOptionalInputs: ContextMenuEventListener = ...
showMenuNodeOptionalOutputs: ContextMenuEventListener = ...


  • Parameters

    • title: string
    • options: {
          closable?: boolean;
          height?: number;
          onClose?: (() => void);
          onOpen?: (() => void);
          width?: number;
          window?: Window;
      } = {}
      • Optional closable?: boolean
      • Optional height?: number
      • Optional onClose?: (() => void)
          • (): void
          • Returns void

      • Optional onOpen?: (() => void)
          • (): void
          • Returns void

      • Optional width?: number
      • Optional window?: Window

    Returns IGraphPanel

  • Parameters

    • this: LGraphCanvas
    • _event: MouseEvent
    • options: {
          do_type_filter?: boolean;
          hide_on_mouse_leave?: boolean;
          node_from?: LGraphNode;
          node_to?: LGraphNode;
          show_all_if_empty?: boolean;
          show_all_on_open?: boolean;
          show_general_after_typefiltered?: boolean;
          show_general_if_none_on_typefilter?: boolean;
          slotFrom?: INodeSlot | SlotNameOrIndex;
          type_filter_in?: SlotType;
          type_filter_out?: SlotType;
      } = {}
      • Optional do_type_filter?: boolean
      • Optional hide_on_mouse_leave?: boolean
      • Optional node_from?: LGraphNode
      • Optional node_to?: LGraphNode
      • Optional show_all_if_empty?: boolean
      • Optional show_all_on_open?: boolean
      • Optional show_general_after_typefiltered?: boolean
      • Optional show_general_if_none_on_typefilter?: boolean
      • Optional slotFrom?: INodeSlot | SlotNameOrIndex
      • Optional type_filter_in?: SlotType
      • Optional type_filter_out?: SlotType

    Returns IGraphDialog